Sagt i OC;

000Photobucket 2009-01-12 @ 17:29:23
Hittade några citat från OC och jag kommer faktisk ihåg allihopa! Och här kommer dem för dom är så himla bra!

Seth: What happens in Mexico stays in Mexico.
Ryan: What happens in Mexico?
Seth: I don't know, because it stays there. That's why we must go!

Anna Stern: Oh, so insulting him counts as speaking?
Summer: If it didn't we've never spoken.

Sandy: I should really learn how to knock. In case there's a threesome going on in my bedroom.

Seth: So what's the GPRA?
Ryan: I have no idea what you just said.
Seth: Game plan, Ryan Atwood.
Ryan: So you're talking in initials now?
Seth: Yeah. They save time.
Ryan: Not if you have friends that don't.
Seth: G.P.
Ryan: Game Plan?
Seth: Good Point.

Sandy: So how was everything at home?
Ryan: You tell me. I was in Chino.

Ryan: You're talking to a boat, Seth.
Seth: I talk to a plastic horse, too.

Seth : You think we should've woken up Ryan and Marissa?
Summer : No, they looked so cute together. Vomit.
Seth : Hey, it's a real sentimental streak you got there, Summer.

...och lite senare i samma scen:

Seth : Face it, our chemistry is undeniable.
Summer : You know what else is undeniable?
Seth : What?
Summer : The pain this fork is going to cause when I jam it into your EYE .

Sandy Cohen: There's no need for sarcasm. 
Seth:  I'm not being sarcastic. 
Sandy Cohen: Well, it's hard to tell sometimes.

<3 *Still Love Them* *But One Tree Hill Kick There Asses*


haha, fan va härligt =D

DATUM: 2009-01-12 TID: 17:29:23


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